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Choose Your Tutoring Plan
Grades 9-10 Tutoring
520$Every month+$15 Registration & Convenience Fee8 Session Package. Virtual or In Person. 1 on 1 Tutoring.Â- $65/hour.
Grades 11-12 Tutoring
560$Every month+$15 Registration & Convenience Fee8 Session Package. Virtual or In Person. 1 on 1 Tutoring.Â- $70/hr
Grades K-1 Tutoring
400$Every month+$15 Registration & Convenience Fee8 Session Package. Virtual or In Person. 1 on 1 Tutoring.Â- $50/hour
Grades 2-5 Tutoring
440$Every month+$15 Registration & Convenience Fee8 Session Package. Virtual or In Person. 1 on 1 Tutoring.Â- $55/hour
Grades 6-8 Tutoring
480$Every month+$15 Registration & Convenience Fee8 Session Package. Virtual or In Person. 1 on 1 Tutoring.Â- $60/hr
ACT Tutoring
640$Every month+$15 Registration & Convenience Fee8 Session Package. Virtual or In Person. 1 on 1 Tutoring.Â- $80/hr
What do IMT Sessions Include?
No Long Term Commitment
Cancel your subscription anytime. No long term commitments or contracts.
Session Reminders
Receive weekly session reminders and calendar links.
Contact tutor 24/7
You will be added to the IMT Group Chat which includes: parents, tutor, director, manager, and students if applicable.
Monitoring Student Grades
Tutors will keep up with student grades through apps like Powerschool and Skyward once parents provide login access.
School Tests/Quizzes
Tutors can help prepare for school tests and quizzes.
8 Sessions
Only pay for 8 sessions at a time.
Access to IMT App
Tutors post daily session updates, resources, student pictures, and more for parents and students to access 24/7.
Homework Help
Tutors can assist students with daily homework.
Local Tutors
All in person IMT tutors are from Collierville, Memphis, Germantown, Bartlett and other surrounding areas.
Choose once or twice a week of session
Sessions never expire, and can roll over month after month indefinitely.
Test Prep
Tutors will help rising grade levels with TCAP, AIMS WEB, STAR, ACT, SAT, and all other standardized testing.
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